Sunday, February 13, 2011

In the name of blog, to make their own sequence

 Guangzhou reveals the meaning of summer, twelve years I have felt that this did not distinguish between the four seasons did not feel like there is no essential difference in character and alive, both cognitive paralysis of my world, I should also put an end to a variety of emotional, really Southern nothing wrong, except for four seasons, regardless. today went straight to thirty Celsius, cool night, or while writing my crazy side.
Sohu very funny, so that two details from the first, Xiao Bin, II is a blog. I first met Bin Xiao quite grok colors, words not much, but I guess could feel each other are people who will toss the head back to meet competition in the Enfield group in the Office of the Ministry, but the familiar is willing to was based start. Xiao Bin Sohu, and our special Sohu funny but this is not the reason I said, the reason is that Bin Xiao show people always smile, optimistic, like me, easy to board with, is Raisin. like me to see Xiao Bin Raisin in the special kind, Aiwujiwu , Sohu, convey that kind now, and secondly, a blog, Sohu, when a new blog to open a blank log in page will always leave the same words, forget the content, probably meaning I decided to write this today, did not want to know beforehand, not dare to say now that it clearly did not understand whether I think this is quite funny, in the not figure out what is to come up a blog through scribbles, it is clear the emotional prevailed under the influence of the coast in the dawn.
blog What? written in an order on the Collage of life. I did not write diaries, participate in the competition two years ago began to write daily trivia until a renewal is six months, until his life changed. Then I turned to the twenty thousand words of trivia, a lot of things that do not remember if I was a loss not only for Chinese TV is also a loss, at least, be regarded as the first volume of China's largest reality show Participants manuscripts, its value after the fact, especially when we are doing, leak between the truth is selectively released.
fundamentally on a blog written his own order, who can never see Bo know the real me through the blog, at best, so everyone can see I see the whole thing, but has also obtained the absolute essence of my Fanfusiliang version, like the preface, no one would like fools as you answer, tell you what this book is the first section, second section is what, what the third quarter, hh straight until you see the film to stick with the big mouth, face, all intended to order the final brains showed that the two meanings: First, a preface to this book people read, popping outside to feel the pile, looked at the buy order it, quickly! second preface of this book who did not watch, but for those who order the person believed to be sequence, depicting a Pilipala, read sequence weigh it, pay close attention! I have seen two kinds of order, life and death not find any more like the blog, perhaps both. If my blog is my order, and that the true --- it is doomed from life, it also contains a lot of untrue things live --- do not understand. So I that blog is about self-awareness of the sequence, and write in the blog is not addictive, the blog name, just get addicted to harassment, calling for his preface Bale.

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